Title Design 2.0

After downloading my fonts to the Mac and experimenting with the title options I realised I didn't really like any of them and that iMovie 9 had better titles to offer.

Unfortunately, iMovie 9 doesn't allow you to import your own fonts so I had to choose my favourite from the few fonts they had programmed. I was quite disheartened by this as I did have my heart set on 'Action Jackson'. However, I did also really like the font 'Coolvetica' (which is the one I ended up using on the titles) and the title looked to good to pass up.

I thought the title was especially fitting for 'Spinning Time' due to the animation of it. With the words flying in from both directions before rushing off in opposing directions was represntative of Myles always being in a rush and how little time she has.

Another thing iMovie 9 wouldn't let me do was create a pink backdrop for my credits. After many weekes of frustration about this an idea struck me. 'I could choose and backdrop and tint it pink in regular iMovie using 'colour monochrome.' Long story short, after some trial and error, I had my custom made pink titles with white flying font that I had imagined originally.

heres the link if the video doesn't work -


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