Animated Storyboard!

I have finally completed my animated storyboard!...and I know I've been working on it way too long. I've got it as close to what I envision it to be like: The genre and style of music, and the inter-changing between tracks, like Chick Flick trailers do conventionally. The little snippets of dialogue, and ambient sound between tracks, and the style of the titles. Everything apart from my voice-overs are there, because I haven't found the right person to voice act for me yet, and I sounded stupid trying to put on a man's voice :)

Currently; I am playing around with Garage Band trying to make some new tracks that have a similar sound and feel to them like the ones in the video - I will document that soon. I'm also looking into Marketing and Distribution of the film, so I'll know which production companies to put in the trailer, and looking more into styling Myles in preparation for my first filming session - if all goes well, and there's no rain - on Saturday!!!


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